PTML Customs Generates N51.6bn in 3 months


The Ports and Terminal Multi-Services Limited (PTML) Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has continued to perform creditably, especially in its revenue collection and trade facilitation mandates despite trade inhibitions.

In the recent revenue collection performance chart made available to the press by the command’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), SC Mohammad Yakubu, the command, despite the VIN-Valuation Strike saga that characterized the major part of the first quarter of the year was able to pull a commendable revenue collection feat by generating a total sum of N51,629,992,669.00 (i.e Fifty One Billion, Six Hundred and Twenty Nine Million, Nine Hundred and Nine Two Thousand Naira Six Hundred and Sixty Nine Kobo), within the first quarter (January -March) 2022.

According to the report, the above sum generated is 10.2 percent higher than the total sum of N46,850,639,870 generated within the same period of 2021, which shows an increase of N4,779,352,799.

Meanwhile, the elated Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the Command, Comptroller Festus Okun who lauded the feat has described it as an evidence of productivity on the part of officers and men of the command who he said will always live up to its responsibilities of revenue collection, suppression of smuggling and trade facilitation.

While calling on officers to remain uncompromising in the discharge of their duties, the CAC also urged importers and their clearing agents to continue to maximize the quick clearance potentials of the command through compliant posture and sincere declarations of their consignments as well as obeying all extant rules as contained in the Customs and Excise Management Act, import and export prohibition lists as well as other documents of instructions.

Comptroller Okun however praised the officers and men of the command for their steadfastness in promoting cordial relationship with stakeholders even in the face of recent strike action over Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Valuation.

The Area Controller also warned that it is more expensive to be non compliant as it could lead to seizures, arrests, detention, demand notices and penalties, he states that compliant traders enjoy timely and cost saving services from the NCS and other regulatory, security and intelligence agencies.

In the words of the CAC, “We as a model port dealing more with Roll on Roll off (RoRo) cargoes have always maintained a standard of four hour clearance time for compliant traders. I am urging all our importers and agents using PTML to take advantage of our seamless trade facilitation capacity.

“They can enjoy it only when they make sincere declarations and import in compliance with the law. It is important I remind them that compliance results in more profits and time saving.

“Non compliance either leads to seizures, demand notices, penalties arrests and prosecution.

“We as a command will never bend the rules for anyone because our service is a strategic organisation for collection of non oil revenue for the Federal Government.

“Our patriotism to the country will continually grow as exemplified by our Comptroller General, Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali,Rtd and members of his management team”, the CAC said.

Compt. Okun therefore charged officers and men of the Command to redouble their efforts at ensuring that all revenue leakages is plugged, while infractions as well are promptly detected for necessary action in the ongoing second quarter.


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