Nigerian Army Education Corps reduces students to 40 per class for effective learning

Lagos, Feb.11, 2024. The Nigerian Army Education Corps Commander, Maj.-Gen. Bello Tsoho has said that students have been reduced to not more than 40 per class to improve the quality of learning and education in army schools nationwide.

Tsoho said this at the Nigerian Army Education Corps West African Social Activity (WASA) 2023 which held at Command Children School Sport ground, AN Barracks, Yaba on Saturday.

He said that the policy was part of his blue print aimed at transforming the Nigerian Army Education sector since his assumption of duty as the corps commander ten months ago.

"Specifically on the standard of education in the corps schools, we have been trying to look inward to see what we can do to improve them.

"For instance, in all the corps schools in the country, you will not see more than 40 students per class.

"This is a deliberate policy we designed and introduced to sustain and ensure that in future there is less congestion in our classes," the corps commander said.

Tsoho said that WASA was an annual event organised to celebrate the end of a successful year for the benefit of the soldiers and their families in an atmosphere of relaxation and merriment.

"It also provides an avenue to identify and reward deserving soldiers that exempt themselves within the outgone year with a view to making projections for the new year.

"This prepares them for undiluted commitment to all trainings, operational and administrative activities lined up for the new year.

"We thank God that 2023 has been a success story and I urge officers and soldiers to put in their best to make 2024 even more successful," the corps commander said.

In thesame vein, retired Maj.-Gen. Kayode Oni said that the Nigerian Army Education Corps had raised the bar of education within the military in the nation to a fantastic standard.

"I knew what the situation was in1973 and I know what it is today, so there has been tremendous developments and contributions to raising the standard of education.

"The logo of the Nigerian Army Education Corps is the torch, and the torch is to beem light into every dark corners of the service and provide the necessary light  by way of information and knowledge.

"This has improved the quality of education and also improved the quality of students that graduate from our schools," he said.

Oni, while commending the troops as protectors of our national dignity urged them to achieve the realisation of the Chief Of Army Staff (COAS) Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja's Command philosophy.

He said that COAS command philosophy was to transform the Nigerian Army into a well trained equipped and highly motivated force towards achieving constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment.

"I urge you all to remain steadfast in your commitment to duty and continue in your collective effort to attaining the COAS command philosophy.

"I urge you not to relent but to embark on another tasking year full of operational training and activities as you anticipate more challenging task ahead.

"I am aware of the COAS unwavering support and unique welfare programmes for the Nigerian Army personnel and their families so continue to give in your best to duties," Oni said.


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